Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Our Notebook

  So, like many out there, one of my favorite movies is, The Notebook.  The best part for me is how the love story is kept in an innocent journal.  That, along with being ever so influenced by my Amazing sister in law, Dawn Casas, who also blogs, (check her out on ,it is super sensational!),  I began to keep a journal for my daughter. In this journal, I write a letter on her birthday detailing all that has become of the past year (sticky notes and my notes app have become my bff's), so far there are only two letters :)  This second birthday, however, I couldn't stop writing.  There was so much she accomplished, and overcame.  As a consequence, I discovered that this is helping me truly acknowledge, enjoy, and give thanks daily for the admirable and awe-inspiring individual she is growing up to be.  I have not yet decided when I will give this book to my daughter.  It may be on her 18th birthday, when she goes away to college, when she gets married, I don't know.  What I  do know is that those days will be here sooner rather than later.

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