Thursday, April 30, 2015

DIY Daddy

I can be creative here and there.  My husband says I have great ideas, however, executing them, well that's where he comes in.  He is DIY king! My favorite project, and trust me there have been many, is my son's crib bedding.  Because it is a shared room with my daughter I didn't want a theme or gender specific color scheme.  We decided on a neutral color.  My husband is very handy on the sewing machine and made the crib skirt and initial pillows.  The fabric he used is painters fabric from Home Depot.  The stencil for the pillows was printed from my computer and he used white fabric paint from WalMart, which worked perfect.  He's good, ain't he?  ;)

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Current Situation

Most everyone knows that I cry for everything.  I am a certified crybaby, if there is such a thing.  Today I chose ballet pictures from proofs and lost it.  This current situation, i.can't.handle.  I mean, it is so cliche, but seriously, where does the time go?  It was just yesterday...

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

My Happy Place

I love closets.  My walk in closet is my happy place.  Is that crazy?  Probably, but neat, clean and organized closets put a smile on my face.  Actually, clean, neat and organized anything, nowadays puts a smile on my face.
When I was pregnant with my daughter, the first thing that was done in her nursery was the closet.  Matching hangers and perfectly folded onesies calmed me.  Now that we have a baby boy I had to create a closet space that they would be able to share.

My daughters newborn closet

Current shared closet space

Monday, April 27, 2015

Making My Own

I grew up in a full house.  There was always someone visiting.  Whether the neighbors, my brother's friends, or church group, someone always sat at the dinner table and ate my mom's cooking.  It is why my mother always cooked for an army, and she cooked every single day.  There was no such thing as leftovers.  Fast forward to now and here I am cooking everyday (I don't cook like my mamma so we may have a few leftovers) and making my own baby food.  I made the decision to make my own baby food when my husband and I did a little research on our family medical history.  We came to find out that there is a high diabetes rate and that is a bit scary.
There is no complicated recipes or techniques I use, it is only three simple steps.  Steam. Blend. Repeat. I started with vegetables and then gradually introduced fruits.  There was no combination of ingredients, because I wanted to make sure there were no allergies or reactions.  I found some neat little 4oz containers at Target and voila.  Once they were cooled I placed them in the freezer and used as needed.  I am really glad that I made the decision to make my own baby food and be able to guide my children in having good eating habits.

    Green Beans,   Carrots,   Green Apple

Sunday, April 26, 2015

And Then There Were Four

So, I am not even going to try and attempt an explanation for where we have been these past two years.  I will only begin by saying that my little family has grown by one more adorable child.  I am now the  mother of an amazing soon to be five year old and a stud muffin ten month old.  My intention and direction with this blog is to have a place where my children may look at when they are older and see the times spent, the memories we made and the joy they brought to our lives each and every single day. Here goes to the third try of keeping up this blog.   ;)

                                                              The Moreno Family