Monday, April 27, 2015

Making My Own

I grew up in a full house.  There was always someone visiting.  Whether the neighbors, my brother's friends, or church group, someone always sat at the dinner table and ate my mom's cooking.  It is why my mother always cooked for an army, and she cooked every single day.  There was no such thing as leftovers.  Fast forward to now and here I am cooking everyday (I don't cook like my mamma so we may have a few leftovers) and making my own baby food.  I made the decision to make my own baby food when my husband and I did a little research on our family medical history.  We came to find out that there is a high diabetes rate and that is a bit scary.
There is no complicated recipes or techniques I use, it is only three simple steps.  Steam. Blend. Repeat. I started with vegetables and then gradually introduced fruits.  There was no combination of ingredients, because I wanted to make sure there were no allergies or reactions.  I found some neat little 4oz containers at Target and voila.  Once they were cooled I placed them in the freezer and used as needed.  I am really glad that I made the decision to make my own baby food and be able to guide my children in having good eating habits.

    Green Beans,   Carrots,   Green Apple

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