Thursday, May 7, 2015

Cool, Calm and Collected

The day I became a mother, was probably one of the scariest but at the same time one of the most beautiful days of my life.  I confess that I was very nervous.  When my daughter was handed to me immediately after being born, my hands were shaking, my heart was pounding, I became anxious and when she started crying I didn't know what to do.  It wasn't until my cousin came to visit and said I needed to relax.  She said my baby was able to feel and connect with the way I was feeling and so I needed to be calm.  As the minutes turned to hours, I began to feel more comfortable.  So much so, that I held her on my chest all night.  
When my son was born, you would think I would have been much more comfortable than the first time, but no.  I was just as nervous, but this time tried to relax and calm myself much sooner.  Because of that I was also able to hold my son on my chest his entire first night.
As time passes there are still times I get quite nervous.  There are tantrums in public, outburst, disagreements, bad attitudes and all of the above.  I always go back to my cousins advice and make the best effort to remain relaxed and calm in an effort to transmit the same to my kids. 

My Daughter

My Son

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